Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Does history tend to repeat itself?

What quality or qualities of character are most important to you in a candidate for public office ?

Honesty, integrity, leadership skills, wisdom, fairness, benevolence, decisiveness, dependability, discretion, honor, humility, loyalty, obedience, responsibility, self-control, virtue ?

Do you have another quality you feel is paramount or do you ascribe to the more machiavellian theory that all you really need is the appearance of any of those qualities when the public is watching ?

Looking at the list, why do think it was that voters selected Van Hollen over Bucher when in August, 2006 Bucher was so confident he told the media I'm going to win anyways.


Anonymous said...

Does his wife count

Anonymous said...


Integrity is the basing of one's actions on an internally consistent framework of principles. Depth of principles and adherence of each level to the next are key determining factors. One is said to have integrity to the extent that everything he does and believes is based on the same core set of values. While those values may change, it is their consistency with each other and with the person's actions that determine his integrity.

Integrity might be easier to define by what it is not than what it is.

Integrity is not prosecuting an old man for voting twice, taking his law license, fining him $10k while ignoring worse election offenses by others of your own political bent. Yeah yeah yeah prosecutor discretion or is it indiscretion?

buddy said...

Not sure of the whys but it must have been really a kick in the pride to be trounced by a young whipper snapper that casually ripped him on his morals as well that may have cost him moret han losing the AG election

Anonymous said...

character is the mos important in my mind. character encompasses a lot of other areas. if you have charater you will be fair, honest and even handed. i remember during the chmura trial bucher made a big deal out of chmura refusing to take a lie detector test even though he had no obligation to do so. i wondered if bucher would take one if the tables were turned. that would indicate the presence or absence of character i think.

Anonymous said...

here's one theory i found online

As the Van Hollen campaign proved in 2006, you can and must build grassroots support from county party members, but outside the county party structure. We recognized that the people have the power, not the party organization itself. Even though the Waukesha County GOP Executive Board endorsed Paul Bucher, the Van Hollen campaign built a grassroots coalition there that rivaled anything the County Party and Bucher could muster.
Hell, Van Hollen even won Bucher’s home ward, I think.