Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Back at last, back at last, thank God Almighty she's back at last!

Now that Jessica has apparently risen from the dead after three days, all the nasty, mean uncompassionate liberals can return to trying to make her go away again. What a vicious circle. Let’s revisit the Van Hollen vs. Bucher bout from a different perspective. Why did some staunch conservatives that supported Bucher in his record breaking string of election victories abandon ship and vote for Van Hollen for AG? Apparently there were a lot of you, so hopefully we can garner a comment or two. And thank you Jessica for reminding all the conservatives why they don’t like John McCain in case they forgot.


Anonymous said...

I was picking up an inhaler and some cough medicine for my daughter at Walgreens and had to kill some time so I was looking through the December Milwaukee Magazine for steakhouses and Wallah, they had an article on all the SuperLawyers what a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was the inspiring oratory by his opponent - that's why you suck Paul.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, Maybe they wanted to win.

Cindy K. said...

Bucher had alienated Waukesha county by playing too much inside baseball. They took him to task with the AG run. He won't be back. There's no support.

Anonymous said...

He won't be back. There's no support she says with authority.

Anonymous said...

Guess he better do well as defense attorney or Jessica will ahve to pay the hot tub bill. Maybe he could get a job as a journalism faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee teaching law enforcement and integrity things.