Saturday, March 1, 2008

AG Should be the Beacon of Integrity

A: J.B. Van Hollen - The AG should be the beacon of ethics and integrity. As a DA, I have prosecuted open records cases. As attorney general, my job will be to enforce the laws on the books - including open records and ethics laws. Any violation of those laws will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent. In April, I unveiled my vision and priorities for the Wisconsin Department of Justice. On that day I proposed establishing a Multi-jurisdictional action team MAT whose sole focus is to investigate and prosecute cases regarding public corruption. This new unit within the Department of Criminal Investigation will work with local law enforcement to investigate not only political corruption but also all cases of police misconduct throughout Wisconsin.

Does anyone know if the AG set up this public corruption unit?

I was given some tips on local public ethics and corruption issues that seem worth looking into.

A: J.B. Van Hollen - The Department of Justice should take the lead in areas of political corruption, regardless of who is governor, or what party they belong too. Justice doesn't have an R or D after it's name. Thanks all for this opportunity to chat. I've enjoyed this. Please don't hesitate to go to to find out more about me and our campaign to fight crime and restore integrity to the Wisconsin Department of Justice!

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